cozy relaxing "me time" mom time
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Let’s be real, motherhood is a struggle. While it can be beautiful and rewarding, it’s also one of the most demanding roles a woman can undertake. The constant juggling of responsibilities, from changing diapers to preparing meals, can leave little room for mothers to take care of themselves which if you think about it doesn’t actually help anyone!

When mom is happy it sets the tone for a much better experience for the whole household. No more fading into the background while everyone else gets their needs taken care of, it’s time for moms to become a priority.

We’re going to dive into the concept of “Me Time” for moms, learn why it’s much-needed, and how to make it a part of your daily life.

Understanding the Benefits of “Me Time”

Taking time for yourself is not selfish; it’s essential for maintaining your physical and mental health. Momma you are so important, and your well-being matters! Amid the whirlwind of motherhood, taking time for yourself is not just a luxury but a necessity.

Juggling numerous responsibilities can lead to mental exhaustion so it’s important to take a step back, clear your mind, and find moments of peace. Moments of peace can look differently for you than it does for me. I love curling up with a nice cup of tea and getting lost in a book, but that’s not every mom’s ideal activity. It could be squeezing in that deluxe pedicure you’ve been thinking about, or brunch with the girls.

The point is, your “me time” has to reflect exactly that. Doing the things that you enjoy, and make you feel revitalized and ready to continue carrying the mantle of motherhood. These moments will alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, and prevent mommy burnout.

Practical Tips for Moms to Find “Me Time”

Begin by consciously prioritizing self-care, and make it a part of your regular routine. This might mean scheduling a dedicated time for yourself each day or week, just like you would schedule any other important task. Don’t hesitate to delegate some responsibilities to other family members in order to create a space for you to relax and recharge.

Setting clear boundaries can go a long way; it’s perfectly acceptable to say “no” when necessary to prevent overcommitting and preserve whatever precious time you have for yourself. Make good use of your support networks, whether that’s your husband, or close friends and family.

If you happen to live far from family or don’t have support readily available having “me time” is still possible! Making even the smallest adjustments can make a significant difference. The key is to be proactive in seeking out opportunities for self-care.

Nap time can also be a great opportunity to do something for yourself, the laundry can wait! If not nap time then once the little ones are down for the night, use this time as an opportunity to relax and indulge in some of your favorite things (or snacks!).

Creative Ways to Spend “Me Time”

Digital Detox: While I’m sure every mom gets a good kick out of scrolling aimlessly on Pinterest, disconnecting from the social media world will provide a much-needed mental reset and you can use that time to do something beneficial for yourself like a facial or yummy lunch.

Creative Outlets: Rediscover or pursue new hobbies, such as painting, gardening, writing, or any craft that sparks your creativity. Sometimes you can feel like you’re losing yourself in motherhood and find yourself trying to remember the woman you once were. Reigniting old passions is a great way to get back in tune with yourself.

Solo-Dates: Pamper yourself and check out that new food spot you’ve been wanting to try or go to that super aesthetic coffee shop with those amazing iced lattes.

Journaling: Writing can be a therapeutic way to process emotions and gain clarity. This is a great way to express your feelings and thoughts and can help you refrain from holding onto all of your emotions by releasing them on paper.

Spending Time Outdoors: Don’t underestimate the joy of nature, a visit to your local park, time out on your patio, or a simple stroll by the beach (if you’re lucky enough to live nearby) can be incredibly refreshing. Nature has a way of rejuvenating you and reducing stress. The benefits of spending time in nature are endless!

Podcasts and Audiobooks: I have recently delved into the world of podcasts and love it so much. With the flexibility to listen while multitasking, whether it’s during your commute or while doing household chores, they are an incredible source of knowledge, inspiration, or pure entertainment. There’s something for everyone!

Overcoming Guilt and Self-Doubt

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: guilt. Overcoming mom guilt is a common struggle for so many moms when it comes to taking “Me Time.” These feelings are totally normal and we can address them in a healthy way. The guilt often arises from the misconception that taking time for yourself is somehow selfish or neglectful of your family’s needs.

In reality, it’s quite the opposite. Prioritizing self-care makes you better equipped to fulfill your responsibilities and care for your loved ones. It’s a crucial aspect of maintaining your physical and mental health, and ultimately, it benefits everyone in the family. Having open communication with your family can help alleviate those feelings as well.

Self-doubt and guilt go hand in hand, with questioning whether you’re doing enough for your children and if you truly deserve time for yourself. This self-criticism can be harsh, leading to a cycle of negative thoughts. The best way to combat mom guilt is to cultivate self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you offer to others.

Acknowledge that you are not perfect, and it’s okay to have your needs met and enjoy moments of relaxation. Feel comforted knowing that you are setting a positive example for your children by demonstrating the importance of self-care and self-compassion.

mother having "me time" relaxing mom time
Photo by Thirdman on Pexels

Say it with me: “Me time for moms is not a luxury but a necessity.”

With the numerous roles a mother must take on for her family, incorporating this practice will help prevent burnout, and reduce stress and anxiety. A well-rested and content mom is better equipped to handle the daily demands of motherhood.

In essence, “Me Time” empowers moms to be the best versions of themselves, ultimately benefiting both them and their loved ones through fostering a healthy and nurturing environment for your home.

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